We're adding new statistics to help you better understand your revenue
The large increase in May's sales tax allocation may include some lingering effects of February's winter storm.
A behind-the-scenes look at a major overhaul of our property tax mapping engine
A quick city management pro-tip to help with sales tax compliance
It's now even easier to find what you're looking for in ZacTax
You can now import Shapefiles to create geographic regions
New Feature: Region layers allow you to conveniently organize your geographic regions into groups
A quick pro-tip on using the tagging feature to manage your one-time and irregular taxpayers
Your job doesn't end when a decision is made. You have to be able to tell your story; to your staff, your council, and your community. Learn about the new approach we're taking to help you do just that.
ZacTax Roundup is a monthly commentary on issues related to local government. You can get it for free here.
We're based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. You can reach us at 817-725-7241.