Texas local governments have used ZacTax to analyze $2,900,639,682 in sales tax allocations over the past year

Taxpayer Analysis

In-depth analysis of your taxpayers, both local and from out-of-town.

  • Deep historical trends

    Our goal is to show you what's going on with your sales tax in less than 5 minutes.

  • Powerful statistics

    Our goal is to show you what's going on with your sales tax in less than 5 minutes.

  • Custom Aggregations with Cohorts

    Our brand new Cohorts feature allows you aggregate taxpayers manually or with dynamic queries updated over time as new sales tax data arrives. Gain unprecedented insight into your collections, exactly how you need to see it.

Taxpayer Audit

Our patent-pending audit platform ensures you are receiving all of the taxes you're owed and let's you keep every penny of it. Finder's fee not included.

  • Find Missing Taxpayers

    Ensure your revenue is reaching is maximum potential by finding and identifying businesses that aren't remitting taxes to you.

  • Convenient, easy workflow

    Our patent-pending algorithms do the hard work of finding audit candidates. You're just one click away from capturing your lost revenue.

  • We don't take a cut

    Our self-help audit platform is included with your Sales Tax subscription. We never take a percentage of what you find. If you'd like, we offer a fully managed audit service for a low, flat annual fee.

Industry Analysis

Your sales tax data is broken down into more than 300 industry categories, allowing you granular insight into your collections.

  • Sales tax is much more than retail shopping

    You don't have to recruit a big box to bring in sales tax. Use ZacTax to find revenue generating industries you didn't even knew you had.

  • Find the weaknesses in your local economy

    With our powerful analytical tools, you'll be able to see where your economy is struggling and also where you have opportunities for new growth.

Other features

  • Benchmarking

    Create custom benchmark groups to compare against peers and neighbors

  • Payment Breakdowns

    Identify audit, prior period, and future period payments

  • Trending Taxpayers

    Our proprietary trend index, the Streak Factor, shows you a taxpayer's recent performance

  • Missing & Delinquent Taxpayers

    Quickly see who missed a payment this month, or who's running a bit behind on payments.

How can you get ZacTax for Sales Tax?

Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you as quickly as we can!

Our sales tax platform is currently available for Texas local governments through a simple, flat, annual subscription fee. Click here to learn more and schedule a free trial!

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ZacTax Roundup is a monthly commentary on issues related to local government. You can get it for free here.

About us

We're based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. You can reach us at 817-725-7241.

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