The face of retail is changing, and as a taxing entity, now would be a great time to start diving into data in order to understand your risk
In part two of this series, we talk about why we disagree with the finder's fee business model for sales tax audit services: it encourages us to pretend that we aren't spending real money.
There's a heated debate raging about sales tax audit services. ZacTax provides a patent pending audit tool with no finder's fee. In this first installment, we discuss wanting to avoid the perception of impropriety.
HB 1370 would provide a much needed change to the Comptroller's Confidential Information Report, allowing cities to view sales tax data for individual outlets when a taxpayer has more than one in their city.
It's about time. With the launch of Zac 2.0, we decided it would be fitting to finally get a blog up and running. We want to use this space to discuss everything from sales tax law to our thoughts on public service and why ZacTax operate...
ZacTax Roundup is a monthly commentary on issues related to local government. You can get it for free here.
We're based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. You can reach us at 817-725-7241.